Theory test: booking and taking your test
When you’re ready to take your theory test, there are centres available all over the country. Use the guide below to book your test at a test centre near you.
The car theory test costs £23. There are two parts to the test:
Part 1: Multiple choice
Part 2: Hazard perception
GOV.UK top links for theory test booking
Change your theory test appointment
Support for reading difficulties, health conditions or disabilities
You can select the support you need when you book your test.
Find out what types of support are available
Book your test using the official links, if you use an unofficial site, you might pay more than you need to.
What happens on the day?
When you enter the theory test centre, show your driving licence to staff. If you don't have it with you, you will not be allowed to take the test.
There will be security checks. You must leave your personal possessions in a secure place and ensure that you do not have any concealed communications devices.

Blog: Learning to drive: Charlotte's story, part 2
Before you start the multiple choice test, you can have a 15-minute practice session to get used to the format of the test.
Part 1 instructions: multiple choice
You have 57 minutes
- Answer 50 questions
- 47 based on 14 topics
- 3 based on 1 video clip
- Score at least 43 out of 50 to pass
- Use a mouse to choose the correct answers on screen
- You can ‘flag’ any questions you're not sure of and 'review' later

Try: Free practice theory test

Try: Free practice video clips
Part 2 instructions: hazard perception
- You have the option of a 3-minute break before you begin
- Put on the headphones and watch a short video, which shows you how the test works
- Click the mouse whenever you see a developing hazard
A developing hazard is something that would need you, the driver, to take some action, such as changing speed or direction.
- There are 14 clips
- score up to 5 points for each clip
- the sooner you spot the hazard, the more points you’ll score
- Score at least 44 out of 75 points to pass
- one clip contains two hazards (worth 10 points)
- one clip contains two hazards (worth 10 points)
Warning: If you click the mouse too much or if you click in a pattern, you’ll be given a warning message and you’ll score no points for that clip.

Try: Free practice hazard perception test
Getting your results
You’ll get your results shortly after you’ve finished the theory test.
If you pass
You’ll receive a letter with your pass certificate number on it. Make sure you keep this safe because you may need the number when you book your practical test.
Your theory test certificate is valid for 2 years. If you do not pass your practical test in that time, you’ll have to take the theory test again before you can take the practical test. You can book the theory test 6 months before the expiry date of the existing certificate.
If you lose the letter, you can find a lost pass certificate number on GOV.UK, see link below.
If you do not pass
You’ll need to wait at least 3 working days before you can retake the test. Use this time to do some more preparation.